When it comes to determining breed background, Wisdom Panel™ dog DNA tests are the world’s leading and the world’s most accurate.
Keep ReadingSee what we've uncovered in 20+ years of genetic testing.
Keep ReadingBehind every test is a tale. Here are a few of the stories we've discovered on the road to testing 5 million pets.
Keep ReadingA lot has changed since Wisdom Panel started leveraging genetics to advance pet health. Hear from our team how the science has evolved.
Keep ReadingThere's more to a dog's coat than meets the eye. Learn about different coat types and proper grooming techniques.
Keep ReadingLearn how dogs and cats came to form unbreakable bonds with their humans — and how those relationships benefit us all.
Keep ReadingLearn to recognize the early signs of heart issues in dogs and what you can do to protect their heart health and well-being.
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